

    • 成型产品重量范围从15g至500g (典型)
    • 薄壁和厚壁设计
    • 注塑压力高
    • 积极的L/T比率
    • 快速成型周期
    • 低型腔
    • 高生产率
    • 高可靠性
    • 延长产品的保质期、新鲜度和风味
    • 设计差异化选项
    • 可持续发展(生物树脂)


    • PP
    • PS
    • PE
    • PET
    • 等等...


    • 生物树脂
    • 共注塑
    • 等等...
    • 支持快速成型周期
    • 单面模具
    • 叠模
    • 高级阀浇口
    • 坚固的热流道设计,额定压力高达2,800 bar
    • 辅助注塑装置
    • 共注入多层高性能阻隔技术
    • 全球支持网络
    Hand Sanitizer Multi-Material Packaging




    Sanitizer Clip自从新冠疫情流行以来,洗手液一直是最受欢迎的产品之一。分液器不仅是医院和护理设施的标准,而且现在也在许多公共、零售和办公环境中。公司为员工和访客提供消毒剂,以帮助防止COVID-19的传播。为了能够快速、轻松地重新加注非接触式分液器,Hagleitner开发了重新填充“真空袋”。这些补充装每个都由一个管状袋和一个带有集成式封口的转接件组成。 倒置插入分液器后,封盖滑盖会自动打开。

    结合有集成密封件的转接件是在4 + 4转盘模具中使用两组分注射成型工艺生产的。首先,注入由白色聚丙烯制成的肩板,工具旋转后,将蓝色TPE密封件直接注入到零件上。在COVID-19之前,Hagleitner每天在一台机器上(20小时/ 5天)生产10,000个补充装。

    为了满足激增的订单,这家奥地利卫生公司不得不在不到一周的时间里将产量翻了一番。仅仅增加现有成型设备的产量无法满足日益增长的需求,因此需要启动第二个成型设备。这种创纪录的实施速度部分是由Mold-Masters E-Multi辅助注塑装置实现的,该装置使他们能够将其现有的单一注塑机转换为可以进行多材料应用成型。 这两个成型设备的结合几乎在一夜之间将产量提高到每天15,000个单位(24小时/ 7天)。

    Hagleitner的Hans-JürgenLandl表示,与Mold-Masters的合作非常出色,尤其是与奥地利当地代表的合作。 “这是真正的伙伴关系”。

    E-Multi on mold

    Mold-Masters E-Multi辅助注塑装置是一个经过实践检验的有效平台,已在全球范围内使用,可轻松,经济地将任何注塑机转换升级,实现多材料注塑。它可以在水平、垂直或介于两者之间的任何位置安装。它还与多种热塑性和LSR材料兼容。由于采用电动方式,因此与液压替代品相比,它的工作范围要紧凑得多,其伺服电机可实现高精度、可重复性和可靠性的生产。它们还能够在整个生产设施中使用,或者相对容易地从一个地点运送到另一个地点。Hagleitner多年来已经在其现有注塑机上使用了多个E-Multi设备,因此他们已经熟悉了所有好处。尽管E-Multi的供货时间仅为5周(比新型注射机要快得多),但是当它们没有现货发售时,一周之内就能获得一台E-Multi本身就是一个挑战。

    Hagleitner production


    有了E-Multi,比装第二个固定注塑单元更灵活,而且它还可以快速集成到任何其他注塑机中。 这方面的必要条件当然是具有相应接口的适当设备。 - Hans-Jürgen Landl, Hagleitner

    这是如何利用Mold-Masters产品优势来实现其他人无法实现的任务的众多示例之一。 Mold-Masters感到自豪的是,我们的客户能够利用我们的产品作为其解决方案的一部分,以在全球范围内打击COVID-19。

    如果您需要类似的解决方案,请立即联系Mold-Masters。 https://www.moldmasters.com/form/contact-us

    Complex Carton Style Closure


    “The E-Multi’s precise shot weight and repeatability was a critical component to the success of this application”      

    - Roberto Silla, President, EasyPlast (EU)

    EasyPlast, a European based company, has been manufacturing molds and molding plastics since 1994. It specializes in multi-cavity molds for consumer products and in molding parts in PP, LDPE, HDPE, and LLDPE. Available components include caps, capsules, dispensers, ferrules, medical, houseware, packaging and more. The company manufactures over a billion molded items every year. EasyPlast is proud to create products of the highest quality for national and international markets.

    EasyPlast was producing a complex Carton style closure (HDPE 3-component screw cap, 2 -color). The current process involved molding each component in 3

    Closure Components

    separate cells with 3 separate molds. This specific closure design incorporates a cutter element that opens the aluminum seal once the closure is opened by the consumer.

    As part of this process, from the mold(s) they are removed by robot to an assembly jig where the caps are finally ejected fully assembled.

    EasyPlast was hoping to improve the manufacturing process to improve overall productivity and efficiency to lower part cost by:

    • minimize equipment utilization and manpower
    • improving part quality
    • Reducing cycle time (and handling)
    • saving floor space

    EasyPlast had developed a unique 24+24+24 triple stack family mold and ultimately patented the technology. As a component of this solution an E-Multi (EM4) auxiliary injection unit and controller was utilized to inject the component with the 2nd color.

    The E-multi unit was mounted in a horizontal configuration almost parallel to the press (15° angle) utilizing a floor stand. The E-Multi unit was selected for its precision injection capabilities, repeatability, reliability and shot capacity.

    The customer estimates that the time to complete the injection and assembly process has been reduced by about 50% as a result of this new system. The shrinkage occurs to all three parts evenly after assembly leading to extremely high tolerances and excellent part quality. As a result of minimizing the handling requirements after molding, the scrap rate has been reduced by up to 75% (was 2%, now 0.5-1%). Overall, the customer reports that this new process has enabled him to lower part costs by about 40% and predicts annual savings of at least €100k.  The customer attributes these savings to the more efficient process (enabled by the E-Multi and special mold design) which requires 1 less person, 2 less molding machines, less cooling equipment, lower production times, lower assembly times, lower scrap rate and lower energy consumption.

    In addition, EasyPlast expects to be able to further improve cycle times as the E-Multi has not been utilized to its full performance limit (it is not the bottleneck in the production process).The controller is also favored for its interface, ease of use and installation.

    The customer was very happy with the unit as it's working extremely well. There are plans to order another unit for a future (similar) project. 

    If you’re in need of a similar solution please feel free to reach out to Mold-Masters today https://www.moldmasters.com/form/contact-us